Friday, October 10, 2014

Use tcpdump to Filter and Merge Multiple pcap Files

The other day I had a couple dozen pcap files (each just under 1 GB in size) that I wanted to filter the traffic of one host out of. A couple different options come to mind - merge the pcap files together and then filter, or filter each pcap separately and then merge the results together. Both of these are pretty sloppy ways of doing this if you don't do it in one line:
# mergecap -w /dev/stdout file1.pcap file2.pcap file3.pcap | tcpdump -r - -w output.pcap host
mergecap reads the list of files at the end as input and writes them out to /dev/stdout, where tcpdump reads them in and writes the result to output.pcap after applying the filter (host

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Single Line Base64 Decoder

If you have a chunk of Base64 encoded data and want to decode it, the quickest method is usually to find some online decoder. If you're worried about the sensitivity of the data or don't have access to a web browser or even the Internet you'll want to decode it locally.

To do this you'll need perl (should be installed on most linux distros). Given any file containing only Base64 encoded text, ex:
$ file base64_file
base64_file: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
The following command will decode the text:
(NOTE - the file must contain ONLY Base64 encoded text - any existing decoded data will break the process)
$ perl -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print decode_base64(join("",<>))' < base64_file >output
$ file output
output: HTML document, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
If done correctly the output file should contain the decoded data.